
Fast food

Today I will talk about healthy eating and fast food.

Here in Chile, we have a weigth problem and physical health. A high percentage of youngs are overweight. The government has tried to give a solution to this increasing the hours of physical education in schools or stimulating the sport.
However, I think the heart of the problem is the food.
The first thing we should do is start to sell fruit and healthy food in schools. We must create a method to give information about the problems that brings the fast food. We will create a awareness of self-care.
Our government has implemented this in some schools, we hope that it spands.

I have found some foods that have a lot of qualifyng properties: first beets, second the chicken, after blueberries and finally, cinnamon.
But, the true form of improve our health depends of ourselves. Take care and eat healthy!

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Drawings styles

In the world there are many different drawings styles. It´s very difficult get a clasification. For the moment I will go to explain three types (comic, cartoon and anime) because thats are the most used in my camp.

1. COMIC. (or american style)

The comic (or american style) is a kind of drawing with realism feaures. Usually, the characters are made keeping the real proportions, with a exageration in the body parts like arms, legs and abs, it´s for get a sense of strength and power. The American comic style tends to be futuristic or science fiction. Was developed in North America from the 30´s.


The cartoon is a style based in the extreme body exageration. The human characteristics are given to inanimate objects (like a sun or a flower) and animals. The cartoons  have a purpose clearly humorous, it´s main goal is make you to laugh using shorts stories about aspects of life or absurds situations. Cartoons not respect any rules of proportion or coherence.


The style manga/anime has many variants and types (from realistic to exagerated) However, the most notable in this genre, is the pursuit of the perfection and beauty of the characters. It omits the features that could be considered "imperfections" such wrinkles and acne. It also has a subgenre like the cartoon style called Chibi. (I personally like this because is my style (: )

Well, that is all about the genres I like. Obviously there are many more styles (: The next week I will show my opinion about a separate issue and I will upload some pictures of coomics and magazines made in Chile 100% Good bye.

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